Sunday, April 3, 2011

Leveling Casting

Recommended birth place

Medittaranean Chapter
This chapter is for Spanish and Portuguese players. Spanish casters will have the luxury of crafting Cannons from the Port of Barcelona in late game.

Required Recipe Books
Introduction to Casting (Groningen, Antwerp, Dublin, Plymouth, Oporto, Palma, Madeira, Malaga, Valencia, Barcelona, Genoa, Pisa, Syracuse, Las Palmas, Antwerp, Naples, Saint-George) 
Casting of Props for Land Battle (Tunis) 10,000D
Book of Metal Refining (Lübeck, once developed) 12,000D
Weapon Production Technique Book (Barcelona, Groningen, reward after 500,000D in investment)
Book of Alloy Smelting [optional] (Dublin, reward after 300,000D in investment)

Required Skills
Mineral Trading (mineral trader) Lisbon / Tunis
Warez Trading (mineral trader) Amsterdam
Weapons Trading [optional] (arms trader) Amsterdam / Alexandria
Firearms Trading [optional] (arms trader) Aden
Casting (arms trader, mineral trader) Venice

Level 1 - 3 
(Log >>> Dart or Lumber >>> Carpenter Tool; 2 x Lumber >>> Spare Rudder)

Path A.
Spanish players can travel to Las Palmas to purchase Logs, and Portuguese players can travel to the Azores.
Use the Casting of Props for Land Battle to turn Logs into Darts. 

Path B.
If the method feels too slow. You can travel to Oslo, and make Carpenter Tools and Spare Rudders from Lumber. For details please read the North Sea Chapter.

Level 3 - 5 
(Dagger >>> Throwing Knife)
Dagger can be purchased from the Portuguese Port of Lisbon and then made intoThrowing Knives with the Casting of Props for Land Battle book.

Level 5 
(Iron Ore >>> Iron, Steel + Iron >>> Dagger, Dagger >>> Throwing Knives; Lead Ore >>> Lead or Copper Ore >>> Copper)

Path A.
For Spanish players, there's the route between Barcelona and Algiers. Iron can be made from Iron Ore from Algiers, using the Book of Metal Refining book
Combine the Iron with the Steel from Barcelona to makeDaggers are made from Iron and Steel using the Weapon Production Technique Book
The Daggers can then be made into Throwing Knives using the method described above.
In addition, Barcelona also has Lead Ore which can be turned into Lead with the Book of Metal Refining book.

Path B.
Portuguese players can purchase Copper Ore from Lisbon after some investment. Turn Copper Ore into Copper with the Book of Metal Refining book. 

Level 6 
(Lead Ore >>> Lead, Gunpowder + Ammunition + Steel >>> Steel Ammunition or Copper Ore >>> Copper)

Path A.
Spanish players can camp in Barcelona and use The Introduction to Casting book make Steel Ammunition by combining Gunpowder, Ammunition and Steel. All three products can be purchased in Barcelona 

Path B.
Portuguese players are encouraged to stay in Lisbon to make Copper

Level 7 
(Gunpowder + Ammunition + Steel >>> Steel Ammunition; Lead Ore >>> Lead or Copper Ore + Tin Ore >>> Bronze, 2 x Bronze >>> Bell of Withdrawal)

Path A.
Spanish players use the same method as in level 6.

Path B. 
Portuguese players can purchase Copper Ore from Lisbon and Tin Ore from Porto, combine the two to make Bronze using the Book of Alloy Smelting
The Bronze can then be made into the Bell of Withdrawal using the recipe book Introduction to Casting.

Level 8 - 9
(Gunpowder + Ammunition + Steel >>> Steel Ammunition; Iron Ore >>> Iron, Iron + Steel >>> Curved Sword or Copper Ore + Tin Ore >>> Bronze)

Path A.
Spanish players can use the familiar route between Barcelona and Algiers to make Iron from Iron Ore, and then combining Iron with Steel to make Curve Sword with the Weapon Production Technique Book. 
This process can be added to the Steel Ammunition process.

Path B
Portuguese players should stick with the Bronze process.

Level 9+ 

North Sea Chapter

Required Recipe Books
Introduction to Casting (Groningen, Antwerp, Dublin, Plymouth, Oporto, Palma, Madeira, Malaga, Valencia, Barcelona, Genoa, Pisa, Syracuse, Las Palmas, Antwerp, Naples, Saint-George) 
Casting of Props for Land Battle (Tunis) 10,000D
Book of Metal Refining (Lübeck, once developed) 12,000D
Book of Alloy Smelting (Dublin, reward after 300,000D in investment)
Firearms Production Technique Book (Barcelona, Ceuta) 20,000D

Required Skills

Mineral Trading (mineral trader) Lisbon / Tunis
Warez Trading (mineral trader) Amsterdam
Weapons Trading [optional] (arms trader) Amsterdam / Alexandria
Firearms Trading [optional] (arms trader) Aden
Casting (arms trader, mineral trader) Venice

Level 1 
(Lumber >>> Carpenter's Tool)
Travel to Oslo and use the Introduction to Casting to make Carpenter's Tool from Lumber. 

Level 2
(2 x Lumber >>> Spare Rudder)
Staying in Oslo, make Spare Rudder from 2 Lumbers, using the Introduction to Casting

Level 3 - 5 
(2 x Bronze >>> Bell of Withdrawal or Coal + Iron >>> Bullet)

Path A
If you are an English player, you could travel between Plymouth and London, using theBronze from both Ports to make the Bell of Withdrawal from the Introduction to Castingbook.

Path B
Alternatively, you can also go to Dublin and make Bullets from the Firearm Production Technique Book . The ingredients for making Bullets are Coal and Iron which are both available in Dublin.
You can also sail between Dublin and Plymouth, and add the Bell of Withdrawal to the production line.

Level 5 - 7 
(Copper Ore >>> Copper; Lead Ore >>> Lead; Iron Ore >>> Iron, 2 x Coal + 2 x Iron >>> Ammunition)

It's time to move the production line to the Mineral capital of Hamburg.
Here you'll see your Casting level up in a matter of minutes. There are three metal ores, which can all be refined with the Book of Metal Refining.
Copper Ore, Lead Ore and Iron Ore can be refined into Copper, Lead and Iron.
The refined Iron can be combined with Coal to make Ammunition from the Firearms Production Technique book.

Level 7 
(Lead Ore >>> Lead, Copper Ore + Tin Ore >>> Bronze, Bronze >>> Bronze Statue/Bell of Withdrawal; Iron Ore >>> Iron, 2 x Coal + 2 x Iron >>> Gun)

In a similar process to above, refine metal ores into metals. Except this time, combine Copper Ore with Tin Ore to make Bronze from the Book of Alloy Smelting. 
The Bronze can be used to make Bronze Statue (requires level 5 Handicraft) or Bell of Withdrawal with the Introduction to Casting book.
Iron made from the Iron Ore can be used with Coal to produce Guns from the Firearms Production Technique Book instead of Ammunition.

Level 8 - 9
(Lead Ore >>> Lead, Copper Ore + Tin Ore >>> Bronze, Bronze >>> Bronze Statue/Bell of Withdrawal; Iron Ore >>> Iron, 2 x Coal + 2 x Iron >>> Gun or Copper Ore + Zinc Ore >>> Brass)

Path A 
You can choose to stay in Hamburg and make the items from above.

Path B
Alternative you can travel to Lübeck to make Bronze from Copper Ore and Zinc Ore from the Book of Alloy Smelting, which are both available in Lübeck.

Level 9+

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